Process Flow Download Student downloads, fills out LOA form, and forwards form and required documents to OCS.College Secretary evaluates records and fills in form.Eligible for LOA?If yes, Student pays at Cashier’s Office or other online payment portal then proceed to next step.If no, Informs student.Cashier's Office issues official receipt (OR) to the student.Student forwards the OR to the College Secretary.Is the student enrolled?If yes, Student requests the class standing from all course instructors, and forwards the complete set of responses to OCS then proceed to next step.If no, College secretary forwards form to Department/Division /Institute then proceed to next step.Division/Department acts on the request for LOA and forwards the document to the Dean for final action.Dean Approves/ Disapproves the request for LOA and forwards the document to the OCS.College Secretary receives the document, encodes DRP with “LOA” as remarks and forward copies of approved LOA to OUR and to the student.