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Lara Hall
  1. Student fills out the form and consults with the Program Adviser. Forwards the form to the instructor of the prerequisite course for evaluation.
  2. Instructor of the prerequisite subject receives and evaluates the application form.
  3. Enrolled and fully attended the course?
    • If yes, the instructor certifies that the student has not passed the prerequisite course yet but fully attended the class. then proceed to step 4
    • if no, Not eligible for waiver of prerequisite.
  4. Instructor certifies that the student has not passed the prerequisite course yet but fully attended the class.
  5. Incurred a grade of 5?
    • If yes, Forwards to OSA. Then proceed to step 6
    • If no, Forwards to Program Adviser. Then proceed to step 7
  6. OSA Director certifies that the student’s failure was not due to disciplinary action.
  7. Program adviser endorses the application to the Offering College.
  8. Offering College evaluates the application and informs the student of the result.