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Process Flow
Process Steps File
Admission Slip for T1
  • Permit to Transfer
  • Official Transcript of Records/Transfer Credentials with remarks “Copy for [Accepting CU]”
  • Original copy of PSA birth certificate
  • Original copy of PSA marriage certificate (if married)
  • Medical Certificate
  • Study Permit from OIL (if foreign student)
Application for Advance Credits
  1. Student accomplishes and submits the application for transfer crediting of courses (with a copy of TOR).
  2. Concerned Department Chair acts on the application for transfer of credits.
  3. Office of the College Secretary receives the result and prepares individual notices to the students.
    • Need to take validation exam?
      • If yes, Department Chair schedules the validation exam then proceed to next step.
      • If no, Student receives the result of the application (approved or disapproved) then proceed to step 5.
  4. Office of the College Secretary receives the result of the validation exam and prepares individual notices to the students.
  5. OUR receives the result and verifies the courses credited against the original TOR submitted Records the result in the record jacket.
Application for Graduation
  1. Student files an application for graduation and submits to the department.
  2. Department/OCS Processes application, evaluates academic records of the student.
    1. Provides list to OUR for separate evaluation of student records.
  3. OUR Evaluates student records and countercheck with the list of the department.
    1. IF APPROVED: OUR Sends out graduation pack to the student
    2. IF NOT APPROVED: OUR (With Deficiencies?)
      1. EXT/4 : Applies for completion/removal and completes requirements/take removal exam; enrolls for residency
      2. Fails comprehensive exam: Enrolls residency and retakes the comprehensive exam.
      3. Incur failing marks: Re enrolls the course
Application Form for Shifting for S1 & S2
Application form for Shifting for S1 & S2
Change of Grade
Report of Change of Grade
Cross Registration
UP Form, Cross Registration 
Dropping of Subject
  1. Student download and fills out dropping form.
  2. Program Adviser signs dropping form.
  3. Faculty in charge certifies the student's class.
  4. Student pays at the Cashier's Office or other online payment portal.
  5. Cashier's Office issues Official Receipt (OR) to the student.
  6. Student receives OR and forwards form and OR to the Office of the College Secretary.
  7. College Secretary receives duly accomplished form, encodes DRP in SAIS and forwards form to student, course instructor, and OUR.
Leave of Absence
  1. Student downloads, fills out LOA form, and forwards form and required documents to OCS.
  2. College Secretary evaluates records and fills in form.
    • Eligible for LOA?
      • If yes, Student pays at Cashier’s Office or other online payment portal then proceed to next step.
      • If no, Informs student.
  3. Cashier's Office issues official receipt (OR) to the student.
  4. Student forwards the OR to the College Secretary.
    • Is the student enrolled?
      • If yes, Student requests the class standing from all course instructors, and forwards the complete set of responses to OCS then proceed to next step.
      • If no, College secretary forwards form to Department/Division /Institute then proceed to next step.
  5. Division/Department acts on the request for LOA and forwards the document to the Dean for final action.
  6. Dean Approves/ Disapproves the request for LOA and forwards the document to the OCS.
  7. College Secretary receives the document, encodes DRP with “LOA” as remarks and forward copies of approved LOA to OUR and to the student.
Notice of Acceptance for T1
1. Present the Notice of Provisional Acceptance to the Home College
2. Secure Clearance and Permit to Transfer from OUR-Home CU.
3. Submit the Permit to Transfer to the accepting OUR-CU or College-CU.
Overload and Underload
  1. Student fills out the application for overload/underload form then forwards form to Registration Adviser
  2. Registration Adviser evaluates and act on the request then forwards signed form to the Department Chair/Program
  3. Department Chair/Program Coordinator endorses for approval or disapproval the request for overload or underload.
  4. College Secretary recommends approval or disapproval on the request for overload or underload.
  5. Dean approves or disapproves on the request for overload or underload.
Permit to Complete INC/4
  1. Student downloads, fill outs completion/removal forms and forwards to the course instructor.
  2. Course instructor evaluates, recommends request and forwards form to OCS.
    • With fee?
      • If yes, course instructor informs student of payment requirement thru email
      • If no, Proceed to step 6
  3. Student pays at Cashier's Office /LBP
  4. Cashier will issue official receipt (OR) and sends to student
  5. Student receives and forwards OR to OCS.
  6. OCS acts on the request and forwards form to student, division/department and OUR.
Permit to Transfer
  1. Student will fill out the application for permit to transfer and request for clearance (Attach the notice of acceptance from other CU's)
  2. With accountability?
    • If yes, Settle the accountability then proceed to step 3
    • If no, Proceed to step 3
  3. The College Secretary will check if the student has no accountability. issues clearance and signs the permit to transfer form then proceed to the registrars office for the next step.
  4. The registrar will attest the correctness of the information in the Student permit.
  5. The student receives the student permit.
Request to Correct Information
  1. Student will fill out the application for request to correct information. (Attach supporting documents)
  2. College secretary checks the completeness of the application and supporting documents and endorse the request to correct information.
  3. The registrars office corrects the information in the records of the student.
Return from Leave of Absence
UP Form, Return from Leave of Absence
Substitution of Courses
  1. Student will download, fills out and forwards substitution form to OCS.
  2. OCS checks and verifies records and forwards accomplished form to the student’s respective Department.
  3. Program adviser of home unit evaluates and acts on the request and forwards the form to the concerned/ offering unit.
  4. Concerned/Offering Unit evaluates and acts on the request and forwards to the OCS.
  5. OCS acts on the request and forwards to the Dean.
  6. Dean acts on the request and forwards to the OCS.
  7. OCS notifies the student and the OUR
Waiver of Prerequisite Process
  1. Student fills out the form and consults with the Program Adviser. Forwards the form to the instructor of the prerequisite course for evaluation.
  2. Instructor of the prerequisite subject receives and evaluates the application form.
  3. Enrolled and fully attended the course?
    • If yes, the instructor certifies that the student has not passed the prerequisite course yet but fully attended the class. then proceed to step 4
    • if no, Not eligible for waiver of prerequisite.
  4. Instructor certifies that the student has not passed the prerequisite course yet but fully attended the class.
  5. Incurred a grade of 5?
    • If yes, Forwards to OSA. Then proceed to step 6
    • If no, Forwards to Program Adviser. Then proceed to step 7
  6. OSA Director certifies that the student’s failure was not due to disciplinary action.
  7. Program adviser endorses the application to the Offering College.
  8. Offering College evaluates the application and informs the student of the result.